Friday, 7 May 2010

Blog checklist - please read!

In order for the moderator to easily check your work, you must ensure you have done the following by Friday 17th May:
1. Labelled all posts relevant to your coursework as either Foundation Portfolio or Coursework. You can do this easily by going into "Edit Posts" and highlighting all of the relevant posts.
2. Put your final piece (either film opening or mag front cover/contents/dps) at the very top of your blog so it is the first thing the moderator sees. You will need to "Edit Posts", click on your blog entry, click on "Post Options" and edit the date.
3.Put your Preliminary task underneath your c/w - only the prelim which relates to your c/w needs to be posted so if you created a film opening the magazine prelim doesn't need to be on there and vice versa. To do this follow the instructions for point 3.
4. Write a post to the moderator explaing what you have done and how they can navigate around your blog e.g. click on the "Coursework" label where you will find all of my Research & Planning and Evaluation.

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